Hey, FTA … if LabCorp buys Orchid Cellmark, do dirty deeds disappear?

If there are no national protocols for private forensic labs to report evidence tampering, there should be, and if buyouts of private forensic labs can bury ostensibly unethical behaviors, we need new federal laws, ones from which those who participate in top-level corporate corruption can find no escape.

LabCorp offer to buy Orchid extended to July 15; FTC still reviewing deal

From: studio8@infionline.net
Date: May 5, 2011 7:02:49 AM EDT
To: 1800DNATEST@orchid.com; forensicservices@orchid.com
Subject: Gary Stanley Bennett, Jeffrey Charles Abramowski, William Michael Dillon

Thomas A. Bologna, President and Chief Executive Officer
James F. Smith, Vice President and Chief Financial Officer
William J. Thomas, Vice President and General Counsel
Orchid Cellmark
13988 Diplomat Drive, Suite 100
Farmers Branch, TX 75234

Dear Mr. Bologna, Mr. Smith and Mr. Thomas,

I am writing to request specific actions concerning evidence received last year in your Farmers Branch facility that apparently was untestable for DNA.

In 2008, I write to your company concerning your DNA testing a T-shirt for William Michael Dillon’s case from Florida’s 18th Judicial Circuit. The shirt size was medium. Big-boned and 6’4″, Bill could probably last squeeze into a medium T-shirt at age 10. There was a stipulation of record for your facility to expend the DNA, although my research indicated you had the ability to expand it and therefore no need to expend. I was scared that the prosecutors had duped you into expending the DNA and declaring it inconclusive. Although it has since stabilized, Bill’s mother’s brain tumor had me frightened that with all the delays, even the best case scenario would free him too late to ever see her again.

At the close of 2008, Bill’s conviction was upset; the third upset conviction within Florida 18th Judicial Circuit involving the testimony of known perjurer and charlatan dog handler John Preston, coached jailhouse informants and other untenable trial tactics. Juan Ramos was set free in 1987, Wilton Dedge in 2004. Altogether, the men spent 54 years behind bars. When Gary Stanley Bennett is added, the total will be 81 years, if you help me right now.

I know Gary to be innocent and believe him to be in mortal danger, with this being but a partial list of the reasons: 1) I am told that what Orchid Cellmark received had been “washed,” with nothing left on it to test, although the evidence was signed and sealed, 2) Bennett has been brutally attacked twice in recent months, requiring a trip to the hospital, 3) Gary’s case was transferred to Florida’s 9th Judicial Circuit, which had used John Preston in a death penalty case involving the FBI, resulting in Linroy Bottoson’s likely wrongful 2002 execution, 4) Despite being confronted directly, neither major newspaper in either judicial circuit – Florida Today in the 18th and the Orlando Sentinelin the 9th – has disclosed anything approaching the truth in Gary’s case, including the tainted transfer, 5) the transfer was extended by former Gov. Crist months after it had expired, although the language in the initial transfer clearly called for Crist to be notified by the judicial circuits prior to expiration of the need for an extension, 6) although appeals are pending, Bennett’s case is archived on the county clerk’s website with no register of current activities available, unlike any of the many other cases I am following.

There were multiple weapons used to kill Helen Nardi; it was not neatly done. Per witnesses, Gary was seen shortly after the homicide wearing the same clothes he had on all day … there was no blood on him. Gary’s mother health is tenuous; I fear she will not be able to survive the prosecutors, media and innocence organizations continuing to rebury the details of Gary’s case. The Innocence Project of Florida hasn’t blogged about him since 2009.

Aside from furtively employing attorneys, there is no upside to incarcerating innocents, and there are many more to free from Florida’s 18th and 9th Judicial Circuits – William “Tommy” Zeigler, John Dobbs IV, Monte Adams, Crosley Green and more. The 9th and 18th often tag team those they wish to persecute, and trade favors on those they wish to receive wrist slaps – with 9th Judicial Circuit State Attorney’s IT employee Michael Emmons being an example of the latter. Some of the information he leaked was on one of Central Florida’s most high-profile cases.

What I am asking of Orchid Cellmark today is that it help me free two men at once – Gary and Jeffrey Charles Abramowski – and make it absolutely impossible for the FBI to continue to refuse to investigate the conviction corruption, per their mandates.

A Florida Department of Law Enforcement “expert” testified in Jeff’s case that two out of 15 markers was a hit due to a unique factor at D18S51. I researched the allegedly unique factor – 17.3 – and found that paternity tests found it in one out of 16,500 males. Judy Foley and Michael Bruce Foley’s DNA was admittedly a direct hit, with Judy’s hair clutched in the victim’s hand. Judy escaped justice by dying, her son’s drug habits may have him escape justice soon, too, but perhaps not before killing again.

Please decide … this very day … to be proactive in maintaining an immaculate corporate image.

Please report the condition of the evidence that you received in connection with Gary’s case directly to D. A. Craig Watkins, and discuss with him the obvious need to not let Florida mess with Texas. Please advise him of Jeff’s case, so that he can request court documents for your interpretation of the DNA tests and testimony so that he can ascertain how very likely the condition of the evidence in Gary’s case was no accident.

Two of Gary’s sibling have died while he’s been incarcerated. Jeff’s two children have grown up without him. If this means nothing to you, consider this:

Apparently unwilling to accept an Ohio federal courts 1983 finding in Dale Sutton’s upset conviction that John Preston was a perjurer and a charlatan, Judge Gilbert Goshorn, since retired, directly tested Preston and found he couldn’t track a fresh scent the length of a football field, and concluded that the only way Preston could have provided testimony against Juan Ramos was to have been fed information. Former assistant prosecutor Sam Bardwell has publicly stated that he quit working for the 18th Judicial Circuit to avoid participating in the fabrication of evidence. You will likely soon be embroiled in discredited dog handler Keith Pikett’s cases, and will need to be free of external pressure to act inappropriately. You need to know things that I know – that Florida Senate President Mike Haridopolos is the son of a former FBI agent who actively supported the reelection of Brevard County Sheriff Parker, like[ly] because Parker will not investigate his deparment’s role in Preston frame-ups. Multi-year Florida International University “scent evidence” grant recipient Kenneth Furton showed up in Texas to testify FOR Pikett in anything but scientific manner.

Please preserve your corporate credibility by immediately contacting D. A. Watkins … be on record as being intolerant of being on the receiving end of suspect evidence. Because I believe Gary to be in mortal danger, I hope you will rush to respond by close of business tomorrow. Additionally, Bill Dillon’s compensation is before the Florida Legislature, and if not immediately challenged (if granted at all), will be $20,000 less per year than other exonerees receive due to the bizarre machinations of the 18th Judicial Circuit prosecutors and will likely gag Bill from discussing the details of his frame-up, unduly protecting the officers and prosecutors who cost him 27 years of his life.

Thank you for your time, gentlemen; I look forward to a prompt response. Should you feel you need supporting documents for any of my statements prior to approaching D. A. Watklns, just let me know.


Susan Chandler

Case number search feature, Brevard County Clerk of Courts “eFACTS” electronic fully automated case tracking system – http://webinfo4.brevardclerk.us/facts/caseno.cfm?CFID=19287969&CFTOKEN=29699443 – please use 05-1983-CF-002375-AXXX-XX to find Gary and 05-2002-CF-063402-AXXX-XX to find Jeff. Thank you.)

About Susan Chandler

Now-disabled interior/exterior designer dragged into battling conviction corruption from its periphery in a third personal battle with civil public corruption.
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3 Responses to Hey, FTA … if LabCorp buys Orchid Cellmark, do dirty deeds disappear?

  1. Oh my goodness! an incredible article dude. Thank you Nevertheless I am experiencing concern with ur rss . Don’t know why Unable to subscribe to it. Is there anybody getting an identical rss downside? Anybody who knows kindly respond. Thnkx


  2. Chris says:

    Thank you for your efforts. I was incarcerated with JEFFERY ABRAMOWSKI in the beginning of 2006, after getting to know him pretty well. I will never forget him, and his horrible version of how he was setup on this murder charge. I will never forget him because his story was so horrible, yet definite, in truth, known to me by details. I will never forget the things that he told me, and others, that were done by homicide detective Gary Harrell, in the face of truth and justice. Things which were known by Harrell, to be false, yet still pursuing for his conviction. One admitted right in front of the Judge. This is the man, Gary Harrell, who is now running for Sheriff of Brevard County. That is a scary thought. That sick corrupt man will now be in charge of all these dirty officers… if he wins. One specific day I will never forget, after hearing Jeffery’s story, was when they have him a letter, from legal mail, which he read with myself and other inmates and yelled out, “I told you so!”, once the letter was read. This letter, stating that the DNA evidence, collected from underneath the fingernails of the victim, was 99.99% not the DNA of Jeffery Abramowski. I went on, shortly thereafter, to serve my prison sentence, thinking that Jeffrey won his case. I heard, not too long ago, that he lost. I could not believe, or understand how. It’s a scary world we live in… when you see the truth, but others do not see it. Thanks again. Without people like yourself, to fight for truth, I don’t know what this World could and would come to. My identity is currently just Chris, because I have pending cases and don’t trust anything happening to me. Thank God mine aren’t serious charges. I will keep reading and hope all innocent men and women are freed and those who turned their heads to truth are locked up!


    • Thanks for speaking up to support Jeff, Chris. With my memory deficits from epilepsy medication, I don’t recall DNA from under Cortney Crandall’s nails. I do remember that DNA identified the hair clutched in Crandall’s hand as Judy Foley’s, and that Michael Bruce Foley’s DNA was found in a sink, and that their fingerprints were present. And that two murder weapons indicated more than one assailant, and that their fleeing the state was as incriminating as their being in possession of Crandall’s vehicle and custom jewelry. I have copies of the sworn statements of two men that Harrell tried to talk into lying on the stand about Jeff.

      Sadly, the other Republican candidate for Brevard sheriff is no better than Harrell. Wayne Ivey has a long history of participating in conviction corruption coverups while with the Florida Department of Law Enforcement, the agency that misrepresented the DNA tests in Jeff’s case. Ivey has the public endorsements of local retired feds – like Jack Parker before him. Apparently they are counting on him to continue help keep the FBI’s decades of nationwide involvement with false experts buried.

      I’ve spoken on the phone with Ivey about the remaining John Preston frame-ups. He so smoothly denied the ongoing coverup that I bet he could pass a lie detector test, even if still-incarcerated, 1984-Preston-framed Gary Bennett was sitting on one side of him, and Gary’s frail mother – who already lost two of her children – was sitting on his other side.

      Thanks again for speaking up for Jeff. It’s important to get the word out that those participated in frame-ups and/or coverups confidently run for public office at every level of government, knowing that the mainstream media will voluntarily conceal their evil ways, apparently with no other motive than money – to have the “right” people in office to unduly approve further mergers, decrease tax obligations, etc.

      I wish you well in getting the rest of your cases resolved.


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