Glenn Ford isn’t resting in peace

60 Minutes – 30 Years on Death Row

Published on Oct 19, 2015

Glenn Ford spent 30 years on death row for a murder he did not commit. This is a video of a 60 Minutes segment that tells his story which aired on 10-11-2015

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60 Minutes’ segment on Glenn Ford’s 30 years on death row and short-lived freedom before dying is deeply appreciated, in that it reveals all that can go wrong in criminal prosecutions, which likely changed some minds and hearts on the use of the death penalty, aside from the mind and heart of Ford’s original prosecutor, Marty Stroud.

Caddo Parish D.A. Cox mind and heart remains unchanged, and – as disgusting as it sounds – he is right that nothing illegal was done to Ford … public attorneys have had absolute immunity from prosecution for committing deliberate misconduct since the 1970’s.

It was Louisiana Attorney General Buddy Caldwell who effectively blocked Glenn Ford from receiving exoneration compensation, and 60 Minutes should have paid a great deal of attention to him.

In 2011, Buddy Caldwell successfully argued before the U.S. Supreme Court – in Harry Connick Sr v John Thompson – that prosecutors and their supervisors should not only maintain their immunity from prosecution for deliberate misconduct, but be held to no professional standard whatsoever, and only rarely compensate the exonerated victims of their malice and unprofessionalism  … John Thompson, too, was a death row exoneree, and John Roberts’ court reversed the damages that a jury had awarded Thompson.

Had Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s dissenting opinion in Connick been the majority opinion, prosecutors and their supervisors nationwide would have raced to un-frame those that they’d framed.

But it’s John Roberts’ court, and John Roberts and his sidekicks don’t care about Glenn Ford, John Thompson or any other non-attorney that doesn’t own a multinational corporation.

About Susan Chandler

Now-disabled interior/exterior designer dragged into battling conviction corruption from its periphery in a third personal battle with civil public corruption.
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