Gemma’s journey: to hell and back … repeatedly [Updated, twice]

Offender Picture

Kristopher Rodriguez – too ill for incarceration

Mentally ill in solitary: ‘We’re not addressing the problem, we’re making it worse’

After her son tore off his penis with his bare hands in his cell, Gemma Pena thought Florida’s prison authorities might see his illness. They’d see he needed a hospital, instead of solitary confinement.

“No,” she said. “That’s when the nightmare really started.”


Gemma Pena is in a hell that few can imagine.

She not only knows what has happened to her son in Florida prisons, she knows about the premature deaths of far too many mentally ill Florida inmates, including one recently deceased inmate the Miami Herald reported on who also suffered from schizophrenia, and whose name is too similar to Gemma’s son’s not to deepen her desperation:

One day after an officer was stabbed during a melee at Columbia Correctional Institution, an inmate who suffered from mental illness was found dead in a protective custody cell at the facility’s annex Tuesday morning, the Miami Herald has learned …

… On Tuesday morning, well after 7 a.m. checks, inmate Jason Rodriguez, 46, was found unresponsive. He was in confinement because his mother had called the prison within the last week, worried that her son’s life had been threatened. The death is under investigation by the Florida Department of Law Enforcement, and an autopsy is scheduled.


Underpaid, overworked corrections officers are no substitute for mental health professionals, and underpaid, contracted mental health workers can accomplish little or nothing in prison settings. It’s proven destructive at best and deadly at worst – over and over again – to place the severely mentally ill in prison, but prosecutors and judges either don’t read newspapers or just don’t give a damn.

Please take the time to read and share the Guardian story about Gemma and Kristopher from the link above. Thank you.


Update 12/20/18: Kristopher Rodriguez was supposed to be released on 12/18/18. It is my understanding that he was instead transferred to a medical facility – perhaps before his release date – that was NOT chosen by his mother and legal guardian, Gemma Pena, and is no where near her south Florida residence. When a man is too mentally ill to learn any lesson at all from incarceration, he is not an inmate: he is a hostage. For so long as the state overrides Gemma’s desires for placement for Kristopher, he remains a hostage, and Florida taxpayers are paying his ransom, to no avail. Gemma’s tax payments have been quite obviously without representation for most of Kristopher’s incarceration and will continue to be without any representation if he is held against her will at facility that Florida Department of Corrections or another state agency chose. There’s little hope for  change once Goveror-elect Ron DeSantis’ takes office, as he is fully on board with privatizing public service, including incarceration, putting tens of thousands of unnecessary employees as well as innumerable corporate boards in between taxpayers and the services their tax dollars pay for: “Gov.-elect Ron DeSantis also recently named a GEO employee to his transition team’s economic “advisory” committee.” Please share this updated post in hopes it will facilitate Kristopher’s transfer to a facility of Gemma’s choice, and end journeys to hell and back. Thank you.

Update 12/28/18: A hearing was held today. Kristopher Rodriguez will be transferred to a facility near his mother/legal guardian. Here is Gemma Pena’s message for other mothers who are enduring what the Florida Department of Corrections is doing to their mentally ill child …



Offender Picture

Jason Rodriguez may also have been too mentally ill for incarceration – may he rest in peace

About Susan Chandler

Now-disabled interior/exterior designer dragged into battling conviction corruption from its periphery in a third personal battle with civil public corruption.
This entry was posted in #CagedCrusader, #ColorOfLaw, #CriminalizationOfMentalIllness, #DeadInmates, #IncarcerationNation, #LoveFL, #PrisonIndustrialComplex, Florida Department of Corrections, Florida Department of Law Enforcement, Harold Hempstead, Julie Jones and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink.

16 Responses to Gemma’s journey: to hell and back … repeatedly [Updated, twice]

  1. Pingback: Who waylays my emails, and by what authority, @Comcast? | Wobbly Warrior's Blog

  2. Pingback: Don’t let #KristopherRodriguez become #LoveFL’s next #DeadInmate, @FLGovScott | Wobbly Warrior's Blog

  3. gpena1957 says:

    Dog’s Justice for my Severely Mentally ill Tortured and Abused by FDOC. Cruel and Unusual punishment .


  4. gpena1957 says:

    Dog’s Justice for my Severely Mentally ill Tortured and Abused by FDOC. Cruel and Unusual punishment .


    • I’m so sorry for the continual hell that Florida is putting you and Kristopher through, Gemma. It’s true that dogs are treated better many states than incarcerated human beings. I think things will change drastically when we manage to put away all the police, prosecutors, judges and corrections personnel who deserve to be behind bars. It can’t happen fast enough for me.


      • gpena1957 says:

        Absolutly Changes most happen Susan. When house is cleaned out of CORRUPTION and Mental Wellness is incorporated in USA Healthcare agendas. AMERICA will not be great again with all the PROFITER$ from mass incarcerations and Gov. Cover up.


      • What will help make the changes come faster (and be more permanent) will be to hold prison profiteers and corrections officials financially accountable for the very obvious physical harm they’ve done to thousands of inmates. Floridians should not pay damages for the mistreatment of mentally ill inmates that was predictable and preventable due to the inmate being obviously too ill to incarcerate, in need of hospitalization.


      • gpena1957 says:

        Holding them accountable vs. Cover up due to Conflicts of Interests. Transparency is FDOC motto and Transforming one life at a time! Huh? My sons life for sure beed transformed by FDOC and CENTURION HEALTHCARE=CORIZON. They only changed the Corrupted name due to so many law sues. Staff is the same. When I sent emails before are the same people I have now except for centurionoffl. Pharmaceutical co. in Fl for prisons have the contract with Centurion and Solistic own and operated by. Anne Scott and Rick Scott. We paid. TAXPAYERS his Medicare fraud. Fl voted again so we will have a Wealthie$Senator. What has done Lopez-Cantera for Fl? A Lt. Gov. Never seen him. He is a shadow behind corruption like Marcos Rubio he I have info on his corruption. $$$$ TAXPAYER$. $.alaries. They work for US. The taxpayers. Bunch of Corrupts.


      • Thanks for elaborating on the profiteering that’s going on, and who is responsible for it, Gemma. It’s exactly what the mainstream media should be doing every day (so as not to participate in defrauding their subscribers, advertisers and shareholders, and so as not to be visibly guilty of election engineering), but what only a few publications address meaningfully and somewhat consistently.


      • gpena1957 says:

        When our Corrupted Government starts Holding all their Alibi’$ Accountable! Only then


      • I agree that corrupt public servants must be held accountable, Gemma, even if they’ve retired. They should face not only incarceration, but the forfeiture of their assets … dishonestly earned wages should be returned to taxpayers.


    • Thank you for reblogging this post, socialaction2014. I received some documents from Gemma that I don’t quite understand via email – I’m awaiting word from her on what they mean. I hope it boils down to Kristopher now being near to her, with his care completely in her hands, with no further interference by the state.


      • gpena1957 says:

        After 10 long yrs in our new Mental Institutions Kristopher had to be Baker act from prison to a Crisis Stabilization Unit. FDOC for sure transformes one
        Life at a time and rehabilitated my son. From bad to worse to Hell. FDOC motto We never walk alone sure they dont! The authorized and well organized Gang members woth uniforms and a badge to Beat inmates and to implant contraband to inmates so they can get paid more being in Confinment. My Severelly Mentally ill son was in.Confinment 10 yrs this enforced and made it worse for my son but FDOC for $ure was paid by the State and Federal gov. More $$$$. Its all abouth the WELTHIE$ and Corrupted Fl Pharmaceutical ex Gov. Rick $cptt and $olistic Owned and operated by his wife Anne $cott. Fl now will have the Wealthie$t Senator.


      • I’m so sorry that Florida Department of Corrections Baker Acted Kristopher to a facility so far from your home … FDC has been as unusually cruel to you as they have to him. When we get a US Attorney General who cares about upholding civil rights, everyone who hurt Kristopher will have cause to fear the loss of their freedom, and their assets, including Rick Scott. Especially Rick Scott. I hope and pray that this facility will do much better by Kristopher than FDC did.


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